Thursday, 11 April 2013

Effects of high and low blood pressure on your body

Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by circulating blood upon the walls of blood vessels. 

Blood pressure can be of two types; high blood pressure or hypertension and low blood pressure known as hypotension. Nowadays, more and more people are being a victim of either of the above mentioned blood pressure related problems due to stress, lifestyle changes and junk-food addiction. Both high and low blood pressure can be equally dangerous if it is not treated well. So it's time start controlling your blood pressure before it causes any damage to your body and health. Today, we have a detailed plan ready for you to tackle blood pressure with the help of Dr. K.M. Sunesara - General Physician, Mumbai. 

High Blood Pressure: 

Effects of High Blood Pressure # 1: Artery damage 

High blood pressure can damage the cells of your arteries especially the inner linings. Due to high blood pressure, the pressure exerted on the walls make the artery walls thick and stiff. This constant action on the walls of the arteries can lead to a disease called as arteriosclerosis, i.e. hardening of the arteries. This damage can further block the blood flow to your hearts, kidneys, brain, arms and legs, which can lead to many complications. 

Effects of High Blood Pressure # 2: Aneurysm 

Due to constant high pressure, the arteries of your walls can be weakened. Over time, when the constant pressure of the blood moving through the weak arteries can cause a section of the artery wall to bulge, it is also known as aneurysm. Aneurysm can be life threatening, as it can potentially rupture and can cause internal bleeding. 

Effects of High Blood Pressure # 3: Stroke 

High blood pressure also increases the risk of occurrence of stroke. Very high pressure can cause a break in a weakened blood vessel which then bleeds in the brain. This can further cause a stroke. 

Effects of High Blood Pressure # 4: Eyesight 

High blood pressure can cause blood vessels in the eye to burst or bleed. This can give you a blurry vision, which can ultimately lead to total, or partial blindness. 

Effects of High Blood Pressure # 5: Heart failure 

The strain on your heart caused by high blood pressure can cause your heart muscle to weaken and work less efficiently. Eventually, this will lead your muscular heart to fail. 

Effects of High Blood Pressure # 6: Dementia 

Vascular dementia can result from narrowing and blockage of the arteries that supply blood to the brain. It can also result from strokes caused by an interruption of blood flow to the brain. In either case, high blood pressure may be the culprit. In dementia, a person's thinking, speech, vision and movement is affected. 

Effects of High Blood Pressure # 7: Sexual dysfunction 

High blood pressure can also lead to the inability to maintain and have an erection, though it is common among men who are 50 years and above. High blood pressure damages the lining of your blood vessels and causes your arteries to harden and narrow, this limits the blood flow. This means less blood is able to reach your penis. High blood pressure can reduce blood flow to your vagina, which can further lead to a decrease in sexual desire or arousal, vaginal dryness, or difficulty achieving orgasm. 

Effects of High Blood Pressure # 8: Bone less 

High blood pressure can increase the amount of calcium that is in your urine. This leads to excessive elimination of calcium through urination. This can further cause bone density loss or osteoporosis. 

Low Blood Pressure: 

Effects of Low Blood Pressure # 1: Nausea 

The most common effect of low blood pressure on the body is nausea. Nausea occurs because the brain doesn't receive enough blood and oxygen due to the low pressure. 

Effects of Low Blood Pressure # 2: Fainting 

Low blood pressure can also cause fainting. It is caused due to insufficient blood flow and oxygen scarcity in the brain. When blood pressure drops suddenly, people can get seriously injured because they lose conscious unexpectedly. 

Effects of Low Blood Pressure # 3: Cardiovascular disease 

Low blood pressure may cause many serious cardiovascular diseases like heart attack. Cardiovascular diseases arise because the heart can't pump blood to the organs of the body. This happens because the flow of blood becomes very slow in cases of hypotension. 

Effects of Low Blood Pressure # 4: Brain damage 

The brain is also seriously affected by the low blood pressure. As the brain can't receive proper quantities of blood and oxygen, the nervous system may experience some complications, like nerve damage, confusion and mental illness. 

Effects of Low Blood Pressure # 5: Kidney damage 

Low blood pressure can damage the important function of the kidneys, i.e. elimination of the toxins. So, as a result, toxins may build up in the kidneys and cause serious health problems.

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